It’s time to unlock more income and more impact by mastering your metrics, pricing for profit and creating systems to scale.

It’s time to
income and more
impact by mastering your metrics, pricing for profit and creating systems to scale.

I know you’re obsessed with your business.

But let’s be real…you’re not so obsessed with all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes. Am I right?

Being creative and coming up with cool ideas? Yep that’s your jam.

Loving on your clients and giving them a freaking exceptional experience? You’re the queen!

But the thought of really looking at the numbers and diving into all that ‘money stuff’ - that frankly scares the shit out of you!

And words like strategy, data, KPIs or profit? Well they make you wanna vomit in your mouth a little.

Sound familiar?

Yep, this is pretty much the same story I hear from every single one of my clients when we start working together. It has become a familiar pattern for creative entrepreneurs to actively avoid all this so-called ‘boring and icky’ stuff.

But you know you’re ready to grow.

You’re desiring more money and more impact and you know that’s not going to be possible if you keep avoiding all the stuff that really matters.

It doesn’t have to feel overwhelming knowing where to begin.

In fact, I have just the thing…




I know you’re obsessed with your business.

But let’s be real…you’re not so obsessed with all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes. Am I right?

Being creative and coming up with cool ideas? Yep that’s your jam.

Loving on your clients and giving them a freaking exceptional experience? You’re the queen!

But the thought of really looking at the numbers and diving into all that ‘money stuff’ - that frankly scares the shit out of you!

And words like strategy, data, KPIs or profit? Well they make you wanna vomit in your mouth a little.

Sound familiar?

Yep, this is pretty much the same story I hear from every single one of my clients when we start working together. It has become a familiar pattern for creative entrepreneurs to actively avoid all this so-called ‘boring and icky’ stuff.

But you know you’re ready to grow.

You’re desiring more money and more impact and you know that’s not going to be possible if you keep avoiding all the stuff that really matters.

It doesn’t have to feel overwhelming knowing where to begin.

In fact, I have just the thing…




Master the back-end of your business so you can fast-track your impact and income.



In this 4 week live program, you’ll:


  • Get clear on your financial goals

  • Review your offer suite to ensure you’re making a profit

  • Learn what metrics and stats to capture [and steal my system for doing this]

  • Set some clear targets and KPIs specific to your business

  • Create a personalised marketing plan and sales strategy to support your goals


The biggest mistake most business owners are making…

Is not being across their numbers.

Heck, the majority of them aren’t even paying themselves [FYI - that shit does not fly around these parts ok lady!].

The amount of times I ask new clients their financial goal and they look at me blank, or I ask them what sales they made last month and they have no idea.

Money is the foundation to your business.

Yes I know you want to make an impact and share your gifts with the world, but if you’re not making a profit, you won’t be around long enough to keep sharing your magic!

If you’re here it’s probably because you’ve realised you’ve kinda been winging it in your business for some time now.

And while it’s got you this far, you know it’s time you stopped messing around, got your head out of the sand and started to take this thing seriously.

If you want to:

  • Grow your business
  • Make more money
  • Have more freedom and flexibility

You’re in the right place.

Because in this program you are finally going to be stepping into the role of Chief Executive Officer instead of Chief Winging It Officer!

Master the back-end of your business so you can fast-track your impact and income.



In this 4 week live program, you’ll:


  • Get clear on your financial goals

  • Review your offer suite to ensure you’re making a profit

  • Learn what metrics and stats to capture [and steal my system for doing this]

  • Set some clear targets and KPIs specific to your business

  • Create a personalised marketing plan and sales strategy to support your goals



The biggest mistake most business owners are making…

Is not being across their numbers.

Heck, the majority of them aren’t even paying themselves [FYI - that shit does not fly around these parts ok lady!].

The amount of times I ask new clients their financial goal and they look at me blank, or I ask them what sales they made last month and they have no idea.

Money is the foundation to your business.

Yes I know you want to make an impact and share your gifts with the world, but if you’re not making a profit, you won’t be around long enough to keep sharing your magic!

If you’re here it’s probably because you’ve realised you’ve kinda been winging it in your business for some time now.

And while it’s got you this far, you know it’s time you stopped messing around, got your head out of the sand and started to take this thing seriously.

If you want to:

  • Grow your business
  • Make more money
  • Have more freedom and flexibility

You’re in the right place.

Because in this program you are finally going to be stepping into the role of Chief Executive Officer instead of Chief Winging It Officer!

Heyyyyy! I'm Laura

I’m an award winning coach, currently running my online business empire from Europe.

Each year I make multiple-six figures in revenue whilst spending time with my two toddlers and travelling the world.

But it wasn’t always this way…

When I started my first business back in 2018, I was the queen of winging it!

I never once had a financial goal.

I literally just became a passive recipient of enquiries, made what bookings I could and was happy with whatever money dropped in.

Did I know whether or not I was making a profit?

Fuck no. Not a scooby doo. To be honest, looking back now, I was very likely working for free.

Did I have any clue about tax, GST or putting any super aside? Lol. Nope. And this bit me in the ass big time down the track!!

Did I have any sales targets so I knew how, when and where to market myself?

What do you think?? Lol.

I was the worst CEO ever.

When I decided I wanted to grow the business I had a rude awakening…

I realised, I had no idea what I was really making, where my money was coming from, what was working and what wasn’t. It was impossible for me to create a plan to increase my income without knowing all the data and having processes in place.

So when I started this coaching business, I made sure I did it right from the start because I never wanted to feel stuck again.

So I did the work on my goals, set some financial targets, started tracking the data, learned about. And the difference was crazy.

In less than two years, this business was making a quarter of a million dollars. All because I knew what was going on behind the scenes, and every decision was done with intention and strategy.

Heyyyyy! I'm Laura

I’m an award winning coach, currently running my online business empire from Europe.

Each year I make multiple-six figures in revenue whilst spending time with my two toddlers and travelling the world.

But it wasn’t always this way…

When I started my first business back in 2018, I was the queen of winging it!

I never once had a financial goal.

I literally just became a passive recipient of enquiries, made what bookings I could and was happy with whatever money dropped in.

Did I know whether or not I was making a profit?

Fuck no. Not a scooby doo. To be honest, looking back now, I was very likely working for free.

Did I have any clue about tax, GST or putting any super aside? Lol. Nope. And this bit me in the ass big time down the track!!

Did I have any sales targets so I knew how, when and where to market myself?

What do you think?? Lol.

I was the worst CEO ever.

When I decided I wanted to grow the business I had a rude awakening…

I realised, I had no idea what I was really making, where my money was coming from, what was working and what wasn’t. It was impossible for me to create a plan to increase my income without knowing all the data and having processes in place.

So when I started this coaching business, I made sure I did it right from the start because I never wanted to feel stuck again.

So I did the work on my goals, set some financial targets, started tracking the data, learned about. And the difference was crazy.

In less than two years, this business was making a quarter of a million dollars. All because I knew what was going on behind the scenes, and every decision was done with intention and strategy.

Are you ready to get clued up on the money, honey




It’s time to learn all the things that *really* matter in business


Here’s what we’ll be covering:



  • Get clear on your finances so your business is longer based on guesswork
  • Understand exactly what you need to be earning to make a profit, so you know you’re not working for free

  • Create annual and monthly financial targets for your business to keep you on track

  • Learn the importance of tracking your finances without making it complicated


  • Learn what data you should be capturing and measuring

  • See a live demo of my own personal data tracking tools and resources so you can see how to implement this process in your own business

  • Set up your own stat and finance toolkits to start using for immediate results


  • Understand how to price your services so you’re always making a profit

  • Get clear on exactly what you need to sell so you can consistently hit your goals

  • Set some sales metrics for your business to keep you focussed


  • Optimise your sales funnel for profit rather than continuing to wing it

  • Understand the importance of knowing your client conversion rate so you know what’s working and what isn’t when it comes to your marketing and sales

  • Get clear on what leads you require to hit your goals so you can be proactive in your lead generation

  • Use the data to create your personalised sales strategy so you’re confident and empowered in how you do business

Here’s what we won’t be covering:

I am obvs not an accountant, so this program is focussed on sales strategy and data only.

I will not be dishing out any financial advice, because firstly, well it’s not my jam and secondly I am not qualified to do so!

I also won’t be diving into how to set up any accounting software. Let’s leave all that fiddly techy nerdy stuff to the professionals shall we!



You cannot scale without foundations 


Most people are stapling jelly to the wall and hoping it sticks when it comes to trying to grow their business. Because let’s face it, it’s pretty hard to create any kind of freedom in business when you don’t know your numbers! 

Not knowing your numbers and wanting to grow your business is kinda like wanting to go on holiday but not knowing the destination…

 But once you know the end game, it’s pretty easy to work out a plan to get there. If you don’t: Know how much your business is making Have clear financial goals Know if you’re making a profit Know what you should be charging Have a marketing and sales system that supports your goals

This is for you!


 Taking your business seriously doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Let’s make the important stuff fun and easeful!  


Are you ready to get clued up on the money, honey




It’s time to learn all the things that *really* matter in business


Here’s what we’ll be covering:



  • Get clear on your finances so your business is longer based on guesswork
  • Understand exactly what you need to be earning to make a profit, so you know you’re not working for free

  • Create annual and monthly financial targets for your business to keep you on track

  • Learn the importance of tracking your finances without making it complicated


  • Learn what data you should be capturing and measuring

  • See a live demo of my own personal data tracking tools and resources so you can see how to implement this process in your own business

  • Set up your own stat and finance toolkits to start using for immediate results


  • Understand how to price your services so you’re always making a profit

  • Get clear on exactly what you need to sell so you can consistently hit your goals

  • Set some sales metrics for your business to keep you focussed


  • Optimise your sales funnel for profit rather than continuing to wing it

  • Understand the importance of knowing your client conversion rate so you know what’s working and what isn’t when it comes to your marketing and sales

  • Get clear on what leads you require to hit your goals so you can be proactive in your lead generation

  • Use the data to create your personalised sales strategy so you’re confident and empowered in how you do business

Here’s what we won’t be covering:

I am obvs not an accountant, so this program is focussed on sales strategy and data only.

I will not be dishing out any financial advice, because firstly, well it’s not my jam and secondly I am not qualified to do so!

I also won’t be diving into how to set up any accounting software. Let’s leave all that fiddly techy nerdy stuff to the professionals shall we!



You cannot scale without foundations 


Most people are stapling jelly to the wall and hoping it sticks when it comes to trying to grow their business. Because let’s face it, it’s pretty hard to create any kind of freedom in business when you don’t know your numbers! 

Not knowing your numbers and wanting to grow your business is kinda like wanting to go on holiday but not knowing the destination…

 But once you know the end game, it’s pretty easy to work out a plan to get there.

If you don’t:

  • Know how much your business is making
  • Have clear financial goals Know if you’re making a profit
  • Know what you should be charging
  • Have a marketing and sales system that supports your goals

This is for you!


 Taking your business seriously doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Let’s make the important stuff fun and easeful!  



I’ve created Freedom Foundations because I was seeing so many brilliant female entrepreneurs start up an epic business, make a bit of money and then hit a wall.

They couldn’t grow any further because they didn’t know what was working and what wasn’t.

They continued to hit an income ceiling because they were too busy doing all the fun stuff in their business like creating content, delivering shit hot services and hanging with their epic clients - they totally skipped over all of the important foundations to scale.

Sound familiar?

Now obviously i’m not an accountant, so this is not going to be a program bamboozling you with financial jargon [please do go see a legit professional for all that jazz!]

This is going to be all the foundational business knowledge I have acquired over my 6 years in the game, becoming the director of my own company and making multiple six figures each year.

I know from my own business journey and from supporting all of my amazing clients, getting clued up on the backend of your business is the only way you can grow, and ultimately create that profitable and sustainable business you’re craving.

It is going to feel a little weird learning about this stuff if it’s all totally new to you, but I will be taking you through everything you need to know, step by step and delivering it all in normal lingo, in a way that’s super simple to understand and fun to implement.

Truthbomb - I wasn’t always so in love with this stuff! I was once like you and I promise, once you know it, life will never be the same!

By the end of your time in this program you feel confident and clued up about your financials plus empowered and excited about setting some juicy business targets and capturing the all important data!


I’ve created Freedom Foundations because I was seeing so many brilliant female entrepreneurs start up an epic business, make a bit of money and then hit a wall.

They couldn’t grow any further because they didn’t know what was working and what wasn’t.

They continued to hit an income ceiling because they were too busy doing all the fun stuff in their business like creating content, delivering shit hot services and hanging with their epic clients - they totally skipped over all of the important foundations to scale.

Sound familiar?

Now obviously i’m not an accountant, so this is not going to be a program bamboozling you with financial jargon [please do go see a legit professional for all that jazz!]

This is going to be all the foundational business knowledge I have acquired over my 6 years in the game, becoming the director of my own company and making multiple six figures each year.

I know from my own business journey and from supporting all of my amazing clients, getting clued up on the backend of your business is the only way you can grow, and ultimately create that profitable and sustainable business you’re craving.

It is going to feel a little weird learning about this stuff if it’s all totally new to you, but I will be taking you through everything you need to know, step by step and delivering it all in normal lingo, in a way that’s super simple to understand and fun to implement.

Truthbomb - I wasn’t always so in love with this stuff! I was once like you and I promise, once you know it, life will never be the same!

By the end of your time in this program you feel confident and clued up about your financials plus empowered and excited about setting some juicy business targets and capturing the all important data!

"Laura helped me shape my business around all my priorities"

"For me being a mum comes first, and Laura totally got that when we delved into the coaching experience. She helped me shape my business to cater to these priorities and in turn created a better business model that I can maintain and grow. Keeping not only my family happy but also my clients."


"As a busy mum of two, I love the space that Laura provides for us."

"Laura always gives the best support and is a real straight shooter"


"As a busy mum of two, I just loved the space that Laura provides for us."

"Not only is she a boss bitch and gives you straight up advice that you NEED to hear, but you can always rock up to meetings or have chats with a child hanging off your hip, messy mum bun and while feeding

Laura always gives the best support, a real straight shooter and when you’re busy being the boss of your house and the business world, you don’t have time for anything less."


"Choosing Laura as a business coach is by far the reason I have had so much growth in my business."

"She pushes you outside your comfort zone in the most loving way and helps you find your ways to achieve your goals, always with your family in mind."




You’re going to learn so freaking much in this program, but the most important thing is that you actually implement it. Which is why you get a full 4 weeks of support so you can ask questions and get all the clarity you need.


We’ll be diving into sales targets, pricing your offers, capturing data, tracking KPIs and much much more.

Not only will these sessions be hosted live for maximum engagement, but you’ll also get access to the recordings for life.


Throughout your time in this program you’ll have access to Laura and an incredible group of fellow business women to share your journey with. This is your exclusive space to ask questions, seek support, share wins and hold yourself accountable.


You’ll get instant access to some important pre-work before the program officially kicks off, so you can begin to lay the foundations to your freedom-first business.


You not only get lifetime access to all the content and resources, but most importantly, your newly acquired skills and knowledge are going to change the entire trajectory of your business.



It only gets better! Because when you join before March 31st you also get these epic bonuses:

As well as all the epic strategy and CEO skills you’ll acquire in this program, I’m also giving you 4 of the most essential templates and tools I use in my own business!

I know that one of the biggest block entrepreneurs face when it comes to this stuff is the implementation, which is why I am literally handing you a whole bunch of ready made spreadsheets so there’s zero excuses, and you can dive into this from day one!

Having these tools to implement from day one is going to take all the guesswork out of everything. I have personally created these resources over the course of the last 3 years of business, and have used them to scale to a quarter of a million dollars. They will take the guesswork out of everything and save you so much time [and all the headaches of excel! Lol]

These bonuses are honestly priceless!


Profit Calculator


KPI & Lead Tracker


Offer Planning Template


Financial Tracker




You’re going to learn so freaking much in this program, but the most important thing is that you actually implement it. Which is why you get a full 4 weeks of support so you can ask questions and get all the clarity you need.


We’ll be diving into sales targets, pricing your offers, capturing data, tracking KPIs and much much more.

Not only will these sessions be hosted live for maximum engagement, but you’ll also get access to the recordings for life.


Throughout your time in this program you’ll have access to Laura and an incredible group of fellow business women to share your journey with. This is your exclusive space to ask questions, seek support, share wins and hold yourself accountable.


You’ll get instant access to some important pre-work before the program officially kicks off, so you can begin to lay the foundations to your freedom-first business.


You not only get lifetime access to all the content and resources, but most importantly, your newly acquired skills and knowledge are going to change the entire trajectory of your business.



It only gets better! Because when you join before March 31st you also get these epic bonuses:

As well as all the epic strategy and CEO skills you’ll acquire in this program, I’m also giving you 4 of the most essential templates and tools I use in my own business!

I know that one of the biggest block entrepreneurs face when it comes to this stuff is the implementation, which is why I am literally handing you a whole bunch of ready made spreadsheets so there’s zero excuses, and you can dive into this from day one!

Having these tools to implement from day one is going to take all the guesswork out of everything. I have personally created these resources over the course of the last 3 years of business, and have used them to scale to a quarter of a million dollars. They will take the guesswork out of everything and save you so much time [and all the headaches of excel! Lol]

These bonuses are honestly priceless!


Profit Calculator


KPI & Lead Tracker


Offer Planning Template


Financial Tracker


This will be perfect for creative entrepreneurs, consultants, service based businesses and online business owners who:


  • Want to stop winging it and start to take your business seriously
  • Are ready to increase your prices
  • Know it’s time you got clued up on your finances
  • Want to finally understand if you’re making a profit
  • Unsure about finances, whether they are making a profit.
  • Want systems and processes to act like a CEO not a side-hustler
  • Would like support to understand the data and stats behind their business


I’ve deliberately timed this program so we’re all wrapped up by June. Meaning that it’s the perfect opportunity to plan ahead and go into next financial year the most clued up and planned out you’ve ever been!





3 x $249


I don’t care what stage or business you’re at, you need to know this stuff.


If you’re starting out, you need to get into the habit of tracking this stuff and if you’re wanting to grow, you also need these foundations to do that with ease.


Oh and not forgetting all those bonus tools and resources that will help you make it oh so easeful and fun!

By the end of this program you’ll:


  • Be clued up on the money, honey
  • Understand sales vs profit so you understand how much your business needs to be making
  • Feel empowered to price your offers for profit
  • Feel confident AF in setting realistic KPIs for your business
  • Understand how to set your financial targets
  • Feel excited to capture and track all the stats and data
  • Have a personalised strategy to hit your goals with ease

Imagine how great it’ll feel to finally understand what’s happening behind the scenes in your business, know you’re making a profit and have systems in place to scale.

So why the heck should you learn from me?

◾ I’m currently living and working on the road all across Europe, so I am a living breathing example of putting freedom first, doing business your way and still creating wild impact and income.

◾ I built my wedding business to 6-figures in 12 months and my coaching business to a quarter of million dollars revenue in 2 years (whilst raising a toddler and giving birth!)

◾ I have a degree in Psychology and I’m a qualified NLP Mindset Coach which means I’m not just another coach telling you ‘stuff’. I truly understand how the mind works and how we can shift this to scale your empire.

◾I am a qualified teacher with a degree in Education, which means I actually know *how* to teach and get you results. You can expect transformative trainings here!

◾ I’ve supported 400+ women through my coaching programs and courses since 2021, most of whom continue to work with me to this day. I am passionate about building real connections, getting results and most of all, I give a shit about your success!

◾ Plus I recently won two business awards, one for Business Pivot and one for Coach of The Year - so yeah, I know a thing or two about building a biz!





      SIGN UP NOW      







3 X $249

DISCLAIMER - this program does not include any financial advice. Please seek the support of a professional to discuss your personal and business financial situation.






3 X $249

DISCLAIMER - this program does not include any financial advice. Please seek the support of a professional to discuss your personal and business financial situation.