A simple 3 step method to create more freedom, flexibility and fulfilment in your business [and stop burning the f*ck out].

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You did not start your business to become a slave to the grind.

You became a CEO so you could call the shots, work on your terms and live your best bloody life. So why do so many entrepreneurs end up overwhelmed, burned out and throw in the towel after just a few years?

Because they forget to put life first!

There are so many risks to not having a life first business plan, and maybe some of these things have happened to you:

  • Missing out on a big family event because of work and now you feel guilty for not being there.
  • Missing out on catch ups with friends because you’re always working
  • Arguing with your partner because the business is causing issues in your relationships.
  • Not doing anything for yourself recently and didn’t give yourself that break you promised.
  • Working with red-flag clients because you can’t say no
  • Feeling sluggish, you keep getting sick and your health has deteriorated because you’ve stopped prioritising yourself.
  • Waking up feeling anxious and on edge because of the pressure of keeping up with client work and just feel like you’re ‘on’ all the time…

If that sounds familiar, you’re not the only one.

Doing this work is something that 99% of business owners overlook. And ignoring it is the reason why so many either tap out on their business orrrrrr fall into overwhelm town [and we absolutely do not want either of those things for you!]

Chances are, business is actually going really well for you.

You have clients and you’re making money…

And this is why it’s so hard to shift out of - because we get so attached to the success, the results and the money so we keep going.

But at the same time as all the ‘good stuff’ - you’re so caught up in the do do doing that you’re sacrificing your spare time, time with your family, your social life and slowly destroying your nervous system. And that’s what ultimately leads to burn out.

And I know it can feel scary making some changes to your business - maybe you’re worried it’ll affect your income, client feedback and all the things. But my love, you and your life HAVE to come first. Always.

And the only way to do this is to make a commitment to designing your business with life first.


A simple 3 step process I created to bring more freedom, flexibility and fulfilment in my business.

The Life First Business Plan has also been a gamechanger for my clients and allowed them to get even greater results, whilst still priorisiting their health and happiness and family time.

It includes:

Getting crystal clear on the dream life you want, including how, when and where you want to work

Creating some juicy new boundaries and business rules to make it happen

Holding yourself accountable and seeing the results

To make it easy AF for you to create your own Life First Business Plan, i’m sharing the exact method I share with my clients for you, for FREE!


Hey Beauty, I’m Laura...

I’ve supported over 400 women through my courses, programs and coaching and one of the biggest mistakes i’ve seen is entrepreneurs growing their business without considering the impact on their life.

Every single week I see someone tapping out on their business, falling into an overworked, overwhelmed heap, hating things, resenting their business and resenting their clients….

Because they have prioritised their business over their life.

The same went for me. I used to be freaking awful at priorisiting me.

I was a huge yes girl for a really long time. Yes to all clients. Yes to all things. And then future me hated me for it.

I missed out on a lot of events because of work. I always felt guilty for not being there to read the kids bedtime stories and tuck them in.

I ended up working with lots of red flag clients who defaulted on payments.

I found myself being the ultimate people pleaser, responding to clients 24/7, scheduling calls on the evenings and weekends and it was chaos.

So I created the life first business process to help me and my clients refine our businesses.

And this requires getting clear AF on the dream life you want, how, when and where you want to work, and then creating some juicy AF boundaries and business rules to make it happen.

Download your copy for FREE

And this applies to you no matter how business feels right now

Maybe this all sounds familiar and you need to make some big changes asap before you burn out orrrrrr things are feeling okay right now, but you know that doing this work before things grow and scale is the best damn decision you’ll make.

You’d be surprised just how many people don’t have business rules. But as a CEO, knowing your non-negotiables and having these rock solid boundaries is so freaking important!

My love, this is the permission slip you needed to put yourself first.




A simple 3 step method to create more freedom, flexibility and fulfilment in your business [and stop burning the f*ck out].

Download your copy for FREE

We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

You did not start your business to become a slave to the grind.

You became a CEO so you could call the shots, work on your terms and live your best bloody life. So why do so many entrepreneurs end up overwhelmed, burned out and throw in the towel after just a few years?

Because they forget to put life first!

There are so many risks to not having a life first business plan, and maybe some of these things have happened to you:

  • Missing out on a big family event because of work and now you feel guilty for not being there.
  • Missing out on catch ups with friends because you’re always working
  • Arguing with your partner because the business is causing issues in your relationships.
  • Not doing anything for yourself recently and didn’t give yourself that break you promised.
  • Working with red-flag clients because you can’t say no
  • Feeling sluggish, you keep getting sick and your health has deteriorated because you’ve stopped prioritising yourself.
  • Waking up feeling anxious and on edge because of the pressure of keeping up with client work and just feel like you’re ‘on’ all the time…

If that sounds familiar, you’re not the only one.

Doing this work is something that 99% of business owners overlook. And ignoring it is the reason why so many either tap out on their business orrrrrr fall into overwhelm town [and we absolutely do not want either of those things for you!]

Chances are, business is actually going really well for you.

You have clients and you’re making money…

And this is why it’s so hard to shift out of - because we get so attached to the success, the results and the money so we keep going.

But at the same time as all the ‘good stuff’ - you’re so caught up in the do do doing that you’re sacrificing your spare time, time with your family, your social life and slowly destroying your nervous system. And that’s what ultimately leads to burn out.

And I know it can feel scary making some changes to your business - maybe you’re worried it’ll affect your income, client feedback and all the things. But my love, you and your life HAVE to come first. Always.

And the only way to do this is to make a commitment to designing your business with life first.


A simple 3 step process I created to bring more freedom, flexibility and fulfilment in my business.

The Life First Business Plan has also been a gamechanger for my clients and allowed them to get even greater results, whilst still priorisiting their health and happiness and family time.

It includes:

Getting crystal clear on the dream life you want, including how, when and where you want to work

Creating some juicy new boundaries and business rules to make it happen

Holding yourself accountable and seeing the results

To make it easy AF for you to create your own Life First Business Plan, i’m sharing the exact method I share with my clients for you, for FREE!


Hey Beauty, I’m Laura...

I’ve supported over 400 women through my courses, programs and coaching and one of the biggest mistakes i’ve seen is entrepreneurs growing their business without considering the impact on their life.

Every single week I see someone tapping out on their business, falling into an overworked, overwhelmed heap, hating things, resenting their business and resenting their clients….

Because they have prioritised their business over their life.

The same went for me. I used to be freaking awful at priorisiting me.

I was a huge yes girl for a really long time. Yes to all clients. Yes to all things. And then future me hated me for it.

I missed out on a lot of events because of work. I always felt guilty for not being there to read the kids bedtime stories and tuck them in.

I ended up working with lots of red flag clients who defaulted on payments.

I found myself being the ultimate people pleaser, responding to clients 24/7, scheduling calls on the evenings and weekends and it was chaos.

So I created the life first business process to help me and my clients refine our businesses.

And this requires getting clear AF on the dream life you want, how, when and where you want to work, and then creating some juicy AF boundaries and business rules to make it happen.

Download your copy for FREE

And this applies to you no matter how business feels right now

Maybe this all sounds familiar and you need to make some big changes asap before you burn out orrrrrr things are feeling okay right now, but you know that doing this work before things grow and scale is the best damn decision you’ll make.

You’d be surprised just how many people don’t have business rules. But as a CEO, knowing your non-negotiables and having these rock solid boundaries is so freaking important!

My love, this is the permission slip you needed to put yourself first.